October 23-25th, 2024

Prof. Valentina Cauda is participating to the Nanomed International congress in Barcelona presenting the most recent results of her projects with an invited keynote lecture "Bioinspired nanovesicles as bioengineered hybrid tools against cancer cells"

October 10th, 2024

Aula Magna of University La Sapienza Romeo - we are proud to participate with speaker and posters to D3 4Healtg MID-TERM Conference showcasing the results of this PNNR project. Prof. Valentina Cauda and her team are showing results and prototipes on nanomedicine tools for colorectal cancer tratment

September 17th, 2024

The TNHLAB is participating with the project NANOZOOM to the Showcase event of NODES' funded project at Bioindistry Park in Ivrea (Turin)

September 09-13th, 2024

Valentina Cauda is at the NanoInnovation 2024 in Rome presenting the work of EV-Mimics

Our poster

June 11th, 2024

Valentina Cauda is participating to the ETPN2024 the European Technology Platform for Nanomedicine in Milan, Italy

Inspiring talks

May 10th, 2024: Prof. Cauda and the PhD student Marzia Conte have recently published this interesting comment entitled "NUOVA TERAPIA PER IL CANCRO DEL PANCREAS: NANOTECNOLOGIE SOTTO L’IMPIEGO DI ULTRASUONI."on the perspective use of nanotechnology in cancer, specifically devoted to pancreatic cancer therapy.

Aprile 18-21th, 02024: The TNHlab participated in the Biennale Tech with the laboratory "Let's discover nanoparticles". Many curious and interested visitors "invaded" our laboratory.

Thanks to Veronica Vighetto, Bianca Dumontel, Alice Balboni and Valentina Cauda for the enthusiasm and energy in presenting the tnhlab research!

February 15th, 2024: We are proud to share our recent publication: congratulation to Veronica Vighetto and the involved TNHLab team!

February 15th, 2024Congratulations to Veronica Vighetto and Marco Carofiglio for their PhD title Politecnico di Torino , well deserved!!


Jenuary 26th, 2024: Valentina Cauda today is back to Munich at Ludwig Maximilian Universitaet, after 14 long years, giving lecture to the Symposium "Adventures in Nanoscience" organized by Prof. Thomas Bein, her former scientific mentor.

Thanks for the invitation and nice to see such fantastic science journeys today!!

November 16-17th, 2023: congratulation to our PhD student Marzia Conte for her poster presentation at Leading Edge of Cancer Research Symposium - Anderson Cancer Center of University of Texas.

October 24th, 2023We congratulate Valentina Cauda for being among the World's 2% Top Scientists!!!!!

October 23th, 2023: We congratulate our new Biomedical Engineers for their excellent Mater Thesis defense and graduation. Congrats to Giorgia Savino and Marco Zuccheri.

June 22th, 2023

Congratulations to Prof. Valentina Cauda, now Member of the Istituto Lombardo -Accademia delle Scienze e Lettere

May 5th, 2023: The next generation of coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide

April 12-14th, 2023: Marco is presenting his research on the MiTHoS project at BioNanoMed 2023 in Graz, Austria

November 14-16th, 2022: Giada, Nicolò and Valentina are attending the NanoBioTech Montreux conference, with two posters and an invited speech

November 11th, 2022: TNHLab participates to "Politecnico Aperto" and opens the doors of the lab to the general public

November 4th, 2022: Valentina is in Rome for the ERC in Italy association meeting

October 29th -November 5th, 2022: Marco and Veronica are attending the American Advanced Materials Congress in Miami.

October 26th, 2022: Valentina will talk about research thanks to ERC in the new national Radio program "Il nuovo mondo". Click on the image to listen to the program.

October 25th, 2022: Congratulations Marco and Veronica for your PhD discussion!

October 19th-22nd, 2022: Valentina will participate as invited speaker in the 7th International Conference of Hybrid Materials in Genova

October 7th, 2022: Valentina will participate in the ERC Cafè organized by PoliTO 

September 29-30th, 2022: TNHLab participates in the EVIta Connect workshop in Torino

June 17th, 2022: TNH Lab teambuilding with a beautiful hike in Valle D'Aosta

June 13th, 2022: We're very happy to host the MIMIC-KeY project M12 General Meeting 

June 1st, 2022: Congratulations to Valentina for her first day as Full Professor in Politecnico!

May 24, 2022: Valentina receives an ERC Proof of Concept grant for the AI CUrES project!

Farewell lunch for Luisa, who will continue her researcher carrier at the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences of the University of Torino. We wish you good luck, and hope to continue collaborating!

April 20, 2022: Happy to host MITHoS project kick-off meeting in PoliTO!

Getting ready for kick-off meeting on April 20th

February 2022: Valentina Cauda and Luisa Racca are guest editors for the special issue: Smart Nanomaterials for Diagnosis and Therapy of Diseases of the jounal Pharmaceutics (MDPI)

February 2022: Brand new website finally online! Continue following our news here and on our social profiles!

December 6th, 2021: Farewell lunch for Sugata, who is leaving to join her family in India after her succesful MSCA project. Good luck to you!!

December 5th, 2021: Artistic brainstorming for the development of our new logo… stay tuned, our visual identity will change and also this website will soon have a new look!

August 31st, 2021: Last official day of the TrojaNanoHorse ERC project… but research continues so stay tuned!

May 18th-21st: ISEV2021 10th Annual Meeting will virtually take place, and Bianca will be presenting her poster!

9-11th March: Luisa has been awarded the best abstract on woman-related cancer award In the context of the international congress CancerTO virtually organized in Turin

March 9th: Veronica has been selected for a short presentation within CancerTO event! Congratulations!

March 9th, 2021: Valentina’s interview on Uno Mattina, talking about nanomedicine and presenting CancerTo conference. Click on the image to view the video (in Italian)

Congratulations to Bianca for her PhD defence!

January 29th 2021: Valentina participates with a video interview to the online event for the launch of the new strategic plan of Compagnia di San Paolo. Click on the image to view the video.

2 November 2020: The U-Care project is presented with an article on the national paper “Il Messaggero”. Click on the image to view it.

The EU Project Repository Journal dedicated an article to us! Click on the image to view the full open access journal, TNH project is on pp. 108-110!

7 July 2020: Valentina is participating to the virtual ceremony of the first ERC Public Engagement with Research Award

March 17th, 2020: Despite the Covid-19 outbreak, today Marta Canta, Luisa Racca and Andrea Ancona performed excellent Ph.D. Final Dissertation in remote evaluation by the Doctorate Board. Each Board unanimously deemed the research work described in their Ph.D thesis excellent! We congratulate all of them for this wonderful result and wish them all great success in their future career.

February 25th, 2020: Valentina will participate in the scientific cocktail organized by the Association of Italian Physics Students, in Torino

December 6, 2019. Maxwell Room, DET , Politecnico di Torino : Valentina has been invited as speaker at the “Nanomedicine & Engineering” workshop. Click on the image for the full program of the event.

November 7-10, 2019 Politecnico di Torino hosts the “Festival della Tecnologia”, with many appointments in the institution and around the city. Francesca will talk about our research every afternoon at 4.30 pm!

6-8 November, 2019: Tania is attending the 1st EVIta Symposium in Palermo.

July 30th: Valentina appears with an interview on La Stampa, national press. Click on the image to view the article.

13th May 2019: Joana Matos, PhD student from Istituto Tecnico Superior of Lisbon University, arrived @TNHlab and will stay several weeks with us. WELCOME Joana!

16-17th April 2019: Valentina and Andrea are in Guimaraes, visiting the HydruStent company and the University of Minho, within the COST ENIUS Action. Thanks to the 3B research Group and to Prof. Rui Reis for their hospitality!

12th February 2019: European Commission communicated that our Marie Curie Individual Fellowship MINT proposal has been accepted!! CONGRATULATIONS to Sugata Barui, who will soon join us from IIT Gandhinagar to carry out her project.

30th January 2019 – 1st February 2019: Valentina Cauda is in Sofia, participating to the Management Committee Meeting of Enius in Sofia; Bulgaria, within the COST Action.

25th January 2019: New patent filed! “A biomimetic nanoporous carrier comprising an inhibitor directed towards the native form of IDH2 protein” (Original title: “Vettore nanoporoso biomimetico comprendente un inibitore diretto verso la forma nativa della proteina IDH2” Italian Patent N. IT102019000001009 of 23rd January 2019, Inventors: V. Cauda, T. Limongi, L. Racca, M. Canta, F. Susa, R. Piva, E. Bergaggio, N. Vitale, E. Mereu.

21st November 2018: Congrats to Bianca, who won the Best Poster Award at MEYCS 2018!

Click on the image to view her great poster!

13th November 2018: 2 new patents filed! 

“Sonosensitizing agent and its method of activation” (Original title:“Agente sonosensibilizzante e suo metodo di attivazione”) Italian Patent N. 102018000009966 of 31th Oct. 2018, Inventors: V.Cauda, G. Cicero, G. Canavese, T. Limongi, N. Garino, L. Racca, A. Ancona, B. Dumontel, M. Canta, L. Serpe, R. Canaparo, F. Foglietta, A. Francovich, G. Durando, waiting for research report.

“Biomimetic Non-Immunogenic Nanoassembly for the Antitumor Therapy” (Original title:“Nanocostrutto Biomimetico Non Immunogenico per la Terapia Antitumorale”) Italian Patent N. 102017000129243 of 13th Nov. 2017, PCT: IB2018/058476 of 30th October 2018. Inventors: V.Cauda, G. Canavese, T. Limongi, N. Garino, M. Laurenti, B. Dumontel, M. Canta, L. Racca, A. Ancona, filed with Research Report.

26th July 2018: The TNHlab congratulates her Master Student Francesca Susa for her Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering with the title “Hybrid biomimetic nanoconstructs against cancer:preparation and properties”!!

12th – 14th June 2018: TNHLab becomes TV set for a few days! Reporters and cameramen are interviewing our group to prepare an episode for RAI Cultura. Stay tuned for broadcast date!

24th May 2018: Thanks to Moschini SpA, to our new Vice Rector for Tech Transfer and to all participants at the PoC@PoliTo Mid Term Event.

15th May 2018: The videointerview to Valentina Cauda during the Johnson&Johnson “Innovation in Italy” event! Click on the image to view the video.

9th May 2018: ONLINE the Memex Galileo program with Valentina Cauda. Click on the image to view the video!

8th May 2018: Valentina Cauda and Andrea Ancona are presenting a pitch on the technology developed @TNH Lab in Milan, at the Johnson&Johnson “Innovation in Italy” event.

4th may, at 21.30 Valentina Cauda will be on RAIScuola (digitale terrestre 146) within the program Memex Galileo conducted by Prof. Albertini!

14th March 2018: Valentina Cauda presents the TrojaNanoHorse project at RAI studios in Rome within the program Memex Galileo of RAI Scuola conducted by Prof. Valerio Rossi Albertini. Stay tuned, we will post the the broadcast date!

2nd March 2018: TNHLab participated in the “Smart tools for caring: Nanotechnology meets medical challenges” workshop, organized by the IIT SmartBioInterfaces group in Pontedera!

1st February 2018: New lab for cell culture almost ready! Incubators need installation and then we can start working again! Looks great!! THANKS to ERC, CSP and PoliTO for funding!

14th December 2017: Carmine Lops receives his Master Thesis! Congratulations to him and special thanks to Simelys Hernandez for her supervision.

December 2017: Valentina Cauda and Marco Laurenti are now Guest Editors for the Special Issue “ZnO Nanostructures for Tissue Regeneration, Drug-Delivery and Theranostics Applications”.

19th October 2017: Festival dell’Innovazione e della Scienza, Settimo Torinese (Turin, Italy) – Scientific divulgation event with the topic:”Luce, reazioni chimiche e nanoparticelle per la diagnosi e la cura dei tumori”

3rd April 2017: The TNH Lab now has a twitter account! Follow us @tnh_lab and on #ResearchImpactEU!

21st March 2017: Giornata della ricerca at the Politecnico di Torino and following ERC Cafè at the Castello del Valentino.

5th March 2017: The TNH Lab group participates in the non competitive run “Just the woman I am” and presents a poster.

17th December 2016: Congrats to Bianca and Federica for their Master Degrees!

30th November 2016: Workshop for fully efficient TNH laboratory launch. Click on the images below  for the press release

27th October 2016: Luisa Racca is awarded for the best poster presentation at MYCS

25th October 2016: Interview on the erc official website in occasion of the breast cancer month

June 2016: Award “Top-10 Papers published in 2015 of the Italian Chemical Society under-35” for the publication: M. Laurenti, G. Canavese, A. Sacco, M. Fontana, K. Bejtka, M. Castellino, F. C. Pirri, V. Cauda, “Nanobranched ZnO Structure: p-Type Doping Induces Piezoelectric Voltage Generation and Ferroelectric-Photovoltaic Effect” ADVANCED MATERIALS, 2015, vol. 27, pp. 4218–4223