Our current results on TNHs open novel possibilities to use them not only for therapeutic treatments but also for bio-imaging.

A part the conventional combination of nanoparticles with fluorescent dyes for intracellular imaging [1], we are exploring novel capabilities related to the use of ZnO nanocrystals as semiconductors. We found interesting optical properties depending on the synthetic procedure, the chemical functionalities, the nanocrystals dimensions [2], and the absence or presence of doping [3].

We have also propose the use of amine-functionalized nanocrystals as innovative and re-chargeable nanoconstrast agent in ecographic imaging [4].

Based on the strong expertise gained to set up the stimuli-responsive therapy and related equipment, important advancements were achieved to exploit a novel, unconventional imaging procedure, based on sonoluminescence [5].

Cellular uptake of TNH nanoparticles by cervical adenocarcinoma (KB) cancer cells imaged by fluorescence microscopy. The cell membranes are depicted in green, extracellular vesicles in orange and zinc oxide nanocrystals in purple; scale bar is 10 μm. Reproduced from [1]
ZnO-NH2 nanocrystals in water-based solutions can be efficiently expoited as carriers of air nanobubbles working as nanosized contrast imaging for echographic measurements [4].

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